Sunday, 17 February 2019

How communication is done with computer?

Everybody  how can they communicate with other persons. But how communicate is done with a computer?? We cannot use natural language like english,franch,etc to communicate with computer because computer cannot understand these all languages.
To communicate with computer ,there are some programming language’sespecially developed so that data and instructions can be passed to the computer to do specific job.
Computer programming
Definitions:” computer programming or coding is defined as a problem solving and writting instructions for a computer in easy ways“.
” computer programming is a technique of writting instructions for a computer”.
In above definitions now,you have some idea about what is computer programming? In simple words, a computer programming is a computer language,which especially design to solve real world problems with some defined instructions. Like natural language’s,every computer programming language also have there grammer and rules for writting programs and expressions.
The names like FORTRAN,COBOL,PASCAL,JAVA etc are established programming languages. So instructions or programs are written in a particular language based on the type and nature of the job. For example ,for scientific applications FORTRAN and C languages are used. COBOL are used for business applications. Some translators like COMPILER and INTERPRETERS are used to convert the program written in assembly or high level language into machine level language, The language is understandable by computer.
Style of programming language:
It uses differnt approaches of programming based on nature of problm.
1. Procedural language
2. Structural language
3. Object Oriented language
4. Artificial logic language
5. Embedded language
6. Hybrid language
But,there are two major types of programming which commonly are used, the procedural and object oriented language.
1. Procedural Oriented language (POP):
Procedural language is a set of functions, calculating ,reading or printing can be written in a program with the help of different functions on different tasks. POP method also emphasise the functions or the subroutine. BASIC,C,FORTRAN etc are procedural languages.
2. Object oriented language (OOP):
It uses an object approach. Here large program’s are divided into smaller modules. Data is in non-shareable mode and is hidden. Data cannot be accessed by external functions. Example –c++,java,c#. In this language ,it is very simple to handle long and complex with OOP concept.
If you have any questions about this topic then please comment below. I will try to solve your problem as soon as possible

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